Repetitive motion injuries (RMI) can happen in the workplace. These injuries, such as tendinitis and capsulitis, can be debilitating and even career-ending. If you have suffered an RMI due to your job, you may be wondering: How can I prove that my job caused my...
Workplace injuries
Understanding workers’ compensation for fall Injuries
Have you ever wondered what would happen if you were injured in a fall at work? It's not just about the immediate pain – a fall can lead to missed work, costly medical bills, and even long-term physical challenges. But here's the good news: if you're hurt on the job,...
Is your back pain a workplace injury?
Most of us have back pain at some point, especially as we get older. At times, it might seem like almost anything you do causes back pain. You may experience back pain after sitting in a car or on an airplane too long, from sleeping in an uncomfortable position or...
Rest may not be enough to heal from repetitive motion injuries
Repetitive motion injuries are a frequent risk in many jobs, impacting millions of workers annually. These injuries can affect your life, including your work efficiency and overall health. While rest is essential, legal action may be necessary to resolve the...
Four steps to take after you slip and fall at work
Slips and falls can lead to bone fractures, traumatic brain injuries and other serious injuries that can hinder your ability to work. From 2021 to 2022, over 414,000 people suffered fall injuries that required them to take days off to recover. If you slip-and-fall at...
Repetitive motion injury: The painful price of productivity
When you're on the job, you expect to do work and get paid, not end up sidelined by pain. But for many workers, the repetitive motions required by their job can lead to a type of injury that's as frustrating as it is debilitating. If you're experiencing difficulties...
Tips for coping with a workplace accident
A workplace injury can leave you in a difficult financial spot where medical bills are coming due at a time when you’re unable to work to earn the wages you need to maintain financial stability. As stressful as that can be, it’s not the only challenge that you’re...
One Thruway worker killed, another injured in work zone
Some types of work are inherently more dangerous than others. Highway workers face potentially deadly hazards every time they enter work zones. Recently, one employee of the New York State Thruway Authority was killed and another badly injured when a tractor-trailer...
Nurses have a dangerous job
When people think of dangerous jobs, they may first think of those who work in construction and industry. In the public sector, they may think of firefighters and police officers. But nurses who work in the hospitals throughout New York City have an especially...
What is a repetitive motion injury and why does it matter?
If you work in one of the five boroughs of New York City, you may be at risk of developing a repetitive motion injury. Repetitive motion injuries occur when you do something over and over again, like typing, lifting, etc. The most common repetitive motion injuries are...