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Repetitive motion injury and workers’ compensation claims

On Behalf of | Oct 6, 2023 | Workers' Compensation, Workplace injuries

Many workers in New York have probably heard of repetitive motion injuries and, for some, the first example of this type of injury that comes to mind is carpal tunnel syndrome. However, there are many other types of repetitive motion injuries and disorders – some of which can be long-term health liabilities for workers in New York.

Repetitive motion basics

According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, repetitive motion injuries and disabilities are conditions that impact a person’s muscular abilities in certain, specific regions of the body. While the “repetitive” part obviously refers to routine, almost constant repetition of the same movement, the motion in question is typically something that is awkward or twisting, for example, or becomes particularly straining to accomplish over time.

Carpal tunnel syndrome, for instance, could affect a person who types at a keyboard most of the day and, for whatever reason, the position of that person’s wrists is such at there is a constant strain on muscles in the wrist.

Besides the wrists, repetitive motion injuries and disorders can also occur in a person’s back, elbows, shoulders or hands, among other specific spots on the body. And, in many cases, the strain on a specific muscle only worsens over time and can develop to the point where a person is no longer able to do their job. Bartenders, those who work on assembly lines and others involved in manual labor, among others, may suffer from repetitive motion injuries at some point during their careers.

If you believe you are suffering from a repetitive motion injury or disability that is impacting your ability to work, you may have a valid workers’ compensation claim.

Workers’ compensation is in place to help injured workers get through the period of adversity that injuries or illnesses bring, including help with wages and medical expenses.

