Anyone who works can incur a fall injury, regardless of whether you work on a construction site or in an office. This is because a fall injury could occur from a simple trip, like tripping over an extension cord. It does not have to be a severe fall from New York City...
Degrees of disability and disability classifications
It can be very stressful to be injured and unable to work and earn your normal wages. The state of New York recognizes this hardship and provides workers’ compensation benefits to qualifying individuals. Degrees of disability When it comes to workers’ comp benefits,...
Can a disability qualify you for long term benefits?
Worker’s compensation offers many protections to workers in New York, including medical treatment, wage replacement and death benefits for the families of those workers whose occupational injuries have resulted in death. In New York, any business that has at least one...
Pre-existing conditions and health insurances
There are countless people who count with a pre-existing health condition before they start work at a new place. One of the many misconceptions that exist is that, if they already had this condition before the new job, then they do not qualify for health insurance in...
What are common back injuries?
If you have ever hurt your back, then you understand how terrible that type of injury is. When your back hurts, it makes it difficult to move and to do anything since your back pretty much connects to every other part of your body. If you move an arm, a leg or your...
How can I prevent repetitive motion injuries?
You have probably heard people complaining about carpal tunnel. This is an issue with a nerve in the wrist that comes about due to repetitive movements. This is a type of repetitive motion injury. These injuries sneak up on you. While they may offer warning signs, you...
Living with a spinal cord injury in New York
Car accidents, falls and other such incidents often result in serious back injuries for people in New York and elsewhere. Often resulting in permanent sensation, mobility and body functions, those who suffer spinal cord injuries may feel as if their injuries have...