Whether you work behind a computer typing all day, or whether you put parts together on the assembly line, it is possible that you will one day experience a repetitive motion injury. These injuries can make it difficult to do your job. Two common types of repetitive motion injuries that someone in New York City may experience are tendinitis and bursitis.
What is tendinitis?
Tendons are the fibrous tissues that connect our muscles to our bones. This allows our joints to move. When these tendons become inflamed, it is known as tendinitis. Tendinitis often affects one’s shoulders, biceps and elbows.
What is bursitis?
Bursas are the small sac that covers an area where friction occurs. Bursas cushion or lubricate the space between a tendon and bone. When the bursa sac becomes inflamed, it is known as bursitis. Bursitis often affects one’s elbows, knees and hips. Traumatic bursitis often occurs due to repetitive motion injuries.
Can I seek workers’ compensation benefits for repetitive motion injuries?
If you developed tendinitis or bursitis on the job, it can make performing your job duties difficult if not impossible. When this happens, you may want to determine if you can pursue workers’ compensation benefits. These benefits can help you make financial ends meet if you are unable to work, and New York has led the nation in providing injured workers with basic legal protections. Workers’ compensation attorneys in New York City understand how important it is for workers who suffer from injuries to get the help they need moving forward and may be a good source of information.