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What are the construction industry’s ‘Fatal Four’?

On Behalf of | Dec 23, 2020 | Construction Injuries

It is not unusual to see orange barrels on New York roads or scaffolding on skyscrapers. Roadwork, refurbishing buildings and other construction activities take place year-round. However, construction workers face many hazards on the job. The Occupational Health and Safety Administration has identified what it calls the “Fatal Four” causes of construction worker fatalities.

What are the “Fatal Four”?

The Fatal Four are the top four causes of construction worker fatalities in the private sector, excluding motor vehicle accidents. The top cause of construction worker fatalities in calendar year 2018 were falls at 338 deaths. The second top cause of construction worker fatalities in calendar year 2018 were being struck by an object at 112 deaths. The third top cause of construction worker fatalities in calendar year 2018 were electrocutions at 86 deaths. Finally, the fourth top cause of construction worker fatalities in calendar year 2018 were being caught-in/between objects at 55 deaths.

Eliminating the “Fatal Four” could save lives

As this shows, construction workers face dangers in the workplace other workers do not. In fact, of the 4,779 worker deaths in the private industry in calendar year 2018, 21.1% were in the construction industry. It is estimated that if the Fatal Four were eliminated it would save around 591 lives each year.

Ultimately, injured workers may have options

It is up to employers in the construction industry to ensure their workplaces are safe. If a construction worker in New York is injured on the job, they may want to explore their options for compensation, including seeking workers’ compensation benefits if appropriate.
